(right) English babbling couple
By the way, he promised us that after chinese new year, he's going to dissect the frog and show us. COOL!!
Our bio teacher is an Indian man. We don't know what is his name, so we called him Murugan (a Hindu god). Now don't look down on him. He is a JPA scholar and got PhD in the study of encephalon. But why in the hell does he come and teach in our school? He can become a doctor!! So we asked him and he replied lamely.
"Because my brothers are doctors, sisters also, cousin, whole family also doctors. And they keep talking and talking about medicine, so I got fed up and become a teacher." (duh~)
But why our school? Obviously, he likes to teach Peng Hwa. (nyah nyah nyah!)
Now the problem is, he's overqualified to teach us. He teaches us lots of things which are not included in the syllabus and many new terms, like Leischman's solution, 250 million HB in RBC, artificial phasemaker, tonsil, spleen, systole, diastole, hepar, mesenteric, jugular, and lots and lots and lots... Anyway we love to listen to him because everytime when he is explaining something he seems very exicted with many hand and face gestures.
Our bio teacher is an Indian man. We don't know what is his name, so we called him Murugan (a Hindu god). Now don't look down on him. He is a JPA scholar and got PhD in the study of encephalon. But why in the hell does he come and teach in our school? He can become a doctor!! So we asked him and he replied lamely.
"Because my brothers are doctors, sisters also, cousin, whole family also doctors. And they keep talking and talking about medicine, so I got fed up and become a teacher." (duh~)
But why our school? Obviously, he likes to teach Peng Hwa. (nyah nyah nyah!)
Now the problem is, he's overqualified to teach us. He teaches us lots of things which are not included in the syllabus and many new terms, like Leischman's solution, 250 million HB in RBC, artificial phasemaker, tonsil, spleen, systole, diastole, hepar, mesenteric, jugular, and lots and lots and lots... Anyway we love to listen to him because everytime when he is explaining something he seems very exicted with many hand and face gestures.
He even let us dissect the chicken heart. (whoo!) Every group has one DEAD chicken heart each. (it's so small.. why not human heart?!?) At first, nobody dared to touch it and some girls kept screaming their heads off because they had never seen this thing before. So he let us wear gloves but there isn't any left for our group. Actually, it's just Man Lin, Shin Fang and Shu Hua only. The traitor Vi Cher doesn't want to be in the same group with us because she thinks we are stupid at everything. (hmph!)
Murugan asked us to cut the heart into half with a pen knife because he wanted to let us see the sturcture of the heart. We did exactly what he told but our heart was different from everyone else's. The others were nicely sliced into half but ours.... seperti telah dicincang!! Our heart were chopped into many pieces like the meat in the market. HAHAHAA!!! Semua ini ialah kerja Shu Hua. She even used her BARE hand to pick up the pieces of heart and chased Vi Cher and the others around the lab.
Murugan asked us to cut the heart into half with a pen knife because he wanted to let us see the sturcture of the heart. We did exactly what he told but our heart was different from everyone else's. The others were nicely sliced into half but ours.... seperti telah dicincang!! Our heart were chopped into many pieces like the meat in the market. HAHAHAA!!! Semua ini ialah kerja Shu Hua. She even used her BARE hand to pick up the pieces of heart and chased Vi Cher and the others around the lab.
Then when everyone has finished, Shin Fang and Shu Hua took other group's hearts to chop and they seemed to enjoy about it. (great potential to be butchers) Then they added the iodine solution and made a great discovery!!! The chicken blood dissolved when iodine is added. WOW!! They also added Dettol and dish washer and everything became bubbly. (Hahaah!!) Not only this, one time they purposely go and smell sulphur dioxide gas.
Shin Fang took the test tube and smelled the sulphur dioxide gas inside. She kept her face straight and asked Shu Hua to smell.
"Shu Hua, come and smell this."
"Why?" (became suspicious)
"Nothing la... Just smelly."
When Shu Hua smelled it, she nearly dropped the test tube because not only it's smelly, it's HORRIBLE!!!! It was like when we smell onion, it makes you cry. And it was very uncomfortable because there was like something inside our lungs and we had breathing difficulty. But it was fine after that.
Vi Cher: "WEi!! You all go and smell the gas ah?"
Shin Fang and Shu Hua: "Yes."
Vi Cher:" OH MY GOD!! Do you all know sulphur dioxide is poisonous?!?"
"......." (they turned and looked at each other)
Shu Hua:" Shin Fang, I think we're going to die."
Shin Fang:" I see... I gotta go and write down my will." (LOL!!)
Now, that was two weeks ago and besides becoming butchers, they also have REAL GREAT potential to become scientists.
Murugan let us see the human anatomy book. Actually he wanted to show us the photos of the human heart. But mischievous struck us. We found the pages where there are photographs of b****t (female's chest) and v****a (female's crotch). We purposely asked him what is this what is that, like ---
Shin Fang:" Teacher, where does breast milk come from?"
Shu Hua:" Teacher, what is this?" (pointing at the photo of nipple)
Vi Cher:" Teacher, why there is hair everywhere?"
And much to our surprise, he explained one by one to us. Then, we turned to the photos of p***s (male's crotch) and asked, ---
This time, Murugan became embarrassed and immediately closed the book. So cute!
By the way, he promised us that after chinese new year, he's going to dissect the frog and show us. COOL!!